Buffalo Central Terminal is a train station that ran from the 1920's to 1979. At 17 stories, the building is eye catching with its classic twentieth century looks. Through WWII, the Buffalo Central Terminal saw a steady amount of traffic though once the war came to a close, its popularity decreased. By 1979, the train station was no longer receiving the kind of traffic that would constitute keeping it open, so its doors were closed for good. It sat for many years before being bought by the current owners who are in the process of bringing it back to life in a different capacity.
Though the trains stopped rolling into the station in 1979, visitors who have since stopped by claim that there is quite a bit of paranormal activity in the terminal. Several apparitions have been seen including a woman who appears near the baggage claim area. Some of these apparitions seem oblivious to the living around them, while others try and communicate. Orbs, strange noises, feelings of being touched, bizarre cold spots, human like shadows and successful EVP sessions have all been experienced in the train station.
Photo by Felix Lipov