In the Black Hills of South Dakota, during the Gold Rush of the 1870's, Deadwood was a popular destination for prospectors looking to strike gold. Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane are a few of the famous old Western figures that spent time in Deadwood. The area quickly became a city of chaos. Brothels opened, gambling became common place and tensions began to rise. Murders were not uncommon, occurring quite often in the lawless town.
In 1876, Wild Bill Hickok was gunned down in Deadwood by Jack McCall, who was subsequently tried, convicted and hung for Hickok's murder. A smallpox outbreak also spread through the city in 1876, leading to even more death in the area.
The city's population began to dwindle after the Gold Rush and is now at roughly just over 1,300. It's a popular destination for tourists, thanks in part to a popular show that featured Deadwood from 2004-2006.
Deadwood is also a popular spot for paranormal investigators. The Mount Moriah Cemetery, where both Calamity Jane and Wild Bill are buried side by side, is said to be haunted. Apparitions, orbs, shadows, disembodied voices and more have all been witnessed at Mount Moriah Cemetery.
The Fairmont is the former location of a brothel in Deadwood. It's said to be a pretty active location for paranormal activity with many orbs, apparitions and ghostly touches.
The Bullock Hotel is said to be haunted by its original owner, Deadwood's first sheriff, Seth Bullock. His apparition has been seen quite often, even showing up in pictures. It is said that the smell of cigar's (which Bullock was fond of smoking) can be smelt at random times throughout the hotel, even though no one is smoking.
The Adams house is also a popular spot for ghost hunting in Deadwood. The rocking chair tends to rock on its own, footsteps are randomly heard, and cold spots have been felt in an otherwise warm location.